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“A modern cloud offering with complete automatization and end-to-end accountability"

Needs Expressed from ITON

  • Modern cloud structure
  • Complete automatization
  • Self-service for the end-users
  • Removing Manuel proceedings
Benefits Realized for ITON

  • Scalability. ITON doubled their yearly numbers every year since 2015! This would not have been possible without the automation of Ydentic and Exivity.
  • Constant quality improvement. The structure has been outlined, each partner knows their role. The end-user gets the right billing invoice every month.
  • Accountability. The entire front and back-end are accounted for. Complete insight into cloud usage, who has clearance to change what, and how the changes impact the structure.
  • End-to-end accountability.


Customer Story

ITON completely revamped its cloud offering in 2015. The focus shifted to providing cloud out of a service mindset meaning providing clear insights, paying according to usage and complete automation. With this new vision, ITON set out to see how they could deliver this to the market. This led to Ydentic with whom self-service and structure could be enforced. With the structure and basis in place, the next step was to find a partner that could provide scalability and in-depth insight into usage and billing. This partner was found in Exivity. All three companies together could deliver the vision and fit perfectly together in a modern cloud setting.


Companies who had their IT outsourced to ITON and wanted to make changes such as on-and offboarding had to email the service desk after which a chain of actions needed to take place, which could involve a lot of back and forth communication. The process required multiple employees due to these overheads making it time consuming. It also had a high chance of error because of the manual nature of the process which could lead to user frustration and loss of productivity. This is at odds with the growth of a company, especially when that company moves past the small enterprise stage. Thus, automatization then becomes a need. If the process were to be automated, then the human resources can be freed from most of the administration work in order to focus on technical delivery.